


  • Solvent Filtration Apparatus

    Vacuum filter aqueous, organic or corrosive liquids for particulate contamination analysis. Also Solvent Filtration Apparatus are recommended for HPLC solvent and mobile
    phase filtration. Contact Millipore membranes for filtering organic solvents. Borosilicate glass parts i
  • Membrane Filters

    Membrane filters can be used for final filtration or prefiltration to remove particles or biological entities from fluids. Standard pore sizes for membranes are 0.2, 0.45, 0.8
    and 1.2 μm. Superior flow rates and high throughputs provide fast and easy filtration.
  • Syringe Filters

    Syringe-driven filter units are available in 0.22,
    0.45 and 0.80 micron pore sizes with PP housings.
    Membranes available include CN-CA (mixed cellulose
    esters), Nylon, Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) or
    Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The 13 mm units are
    recommended for filtering volum

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